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Swot Analysis


Having huge internal market volume impact quality and experience power. Encourage models support firms. Education level which is supported with effective population in Turkey’s growing up medicine market. Thanks to by Turkey’s strategic and geographical position medicine firms have big chance to reach the new market entrance. The other strength is that medicine producers have enough knowledge for medicine production.



In medicine sector, there is lack of cooperation between university, public and factory in this reason they could not make a forecast. In addition, human resources can not get a education about this sector thus , investment could not get a result in a short time. These are the most weak in this part.



In medicine sector, Turkish citizens life expectancy is is getting increase day by day, that’s why health expenditure of them is getting increase as well. Second, researches and studies also help medicine sector to keep their growing up. Internal market growth potential is the final opportunity which effect companies development.




In medicine sector, citizens budget is not enough to get all medicines that they need such as cancer medicines. It effects to predict which type of medicines citizens need. The final threat is other companies which operate to get high level of income in medicine distribution sector such as Selçuk Ecza Deposu, Güneş Ecza Deposu etc.

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